Return & Exchange Policy
Returns are accepted within 14 days of your item’s delivery date. Exchanges are accepted within 30 days of your item’s delivery date. All returns will be processed within 5 business days of receiving the item. We will send you an email with details of your return. Please allow your bank 5-7 business days to credit the return back to your account. The original shipping postage paid to receive your order is non-refundable.
Merchandise must be in new condition, unworn, unwashed and with hang tags still attached in order to be accepted for a return. Any items received that appear to not be in its original condition, have pet hair, makeup stains, deodorant stains, smelling of smoke or perfume, will not be accepted. Any items not complying with these requirements will be sent back to you.
International returns are accepted, customers are required to cover the full return shipping cost.
For any damaged items, please email